Saturday, May 16, 2009

Why blog?

Why am I doing this? I've been thinking about the future a lot. What I want to do. What I don't want to do. What goals I have. I think putting some of it out in public will help make me more accountable. Even if my traffic is low, having made the public statement will encourage me towards action.

There are other reasons. Two of my friends encouraged me to "build my online brand". They're right. The internet isn't going anywhere, and the next time somebody wants to know something about me, they're going to Google. A smart person will be proactive about what they're going to see.

This blog isn't going to have any kind of theme. I haven't done any proper writing in years, I'm sure it'll be a mix of musings, training log, anecdotes and politics. If I make some cash off it, great, but that isn't the goal.

Curious anecdote to close this out: I've always found the hardest part of something like this is choosing the name. True to my internet reliance, I found a tool to mix adjectives and nouns that let me keep trying until I found something I liked. I got some weird ones too. "Solid Organ" would have been a lousy blog name. "Notorious query" was pretty good, especially with all the time I spend in SQL.

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