Saturday, June 6, 2009

On children's birthdays

My son had his fifth birthday party today. Busy would be an understatement. We had the party with his friends from school in the afternoon, and then the family came by at night.

Overall, it was just what you'd expect from a kid's party: running, screaming, too much candy, etc... One particular thing stayed with me. He got a button with a card that said 'Cool Kid'. At a quiet point, I asked him to read me what it said (he's at the point where he can get easy words). Since it was on his chest, he was reading it upside down. Here's what he said:
"Lah-oh-keh .... deh-keh"

Say it out loud to yourself. Remember how he's seeing it: "looc dik" Or as he said it: Lock Dick.

Moments later, I open my eyes and he says "Daddy, why are you laughing?" Rather than explain, I tell him "Go read it to mommy."

Two minutes later my father-in-law is taking video of him reading it. I hope he doesn't remember this when it comes time to decide on my retirement home.

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